Last summer we reached out to Jackson Galaxy and his team at Spirit Essences. Fearless Kitty Rescue wanted to invite him to check out Kittyville! One of his representatives got back to us right away and was so kind. We were not able to set anything up due to his busy schedule, but we did form a great relationship that we know will continue grow!
We keep in contact with her and email back and forth. She has even used former Fearless Kitty Lt. Dan’s photo for some things! (Move over Grumpy Cat!)
Back in October, a couple of FKR volunteers went to Jackson Galaxy & Kate Benjamin’s book signing in Phoenix. It was an amazing experience!
Jackson and Kate talked for about 30 minutes. They really have a passion for making cats happy. Their book, Catification, was just released and has great tips on how to catify your house! What does that exactly mean? Well it means making your cat happy by having plenty of toys and outlets for them that stimulates and challenges them. Check out the book for some more information and great ideas!
We met both of them and invited them to stop by Kittyville sometime. Kate lives in Phoenix and they both seemed interested in stopping by. This would be huge for the kitties. Jackson even signed a book dedicated to FKR!
His assistant took a photo with us and was very nice. She took down our contact info and said she will make sure to have Jackson stop by sometime when he is in Phoenix.
Some other special volunteers and Supa Kitty were able to meet Jackson at the Best Friends conference in Las Vegas shortly after! He said he remembered meeting the other volunteers at the book signing and would love to come check out Kittyville. We hope he has a chance to stop by soon!
Just recently, Jackson Galaxy and the team at Spirit Essences sent us a special delivery! They sent us a sample of their Stress Stopper remedy spray. We cannot thank them enough! An item like this can help many of the scared kitties adapt to their new surroundings after we rescue them.
We cannot wait to see where this relationship with Jackson Galaxy and his team at Spirit Essences will take us!
FKR volunteers meet Jackson at his book signing in Phoenix!
Some of the FKR gang, along with Supa Kitty, meet Jackson at the Best Friends’ conference in Las Vegas!
Former Fearless kitty Lt. Dan modeling off the Stress Stopper remedy sent to FKR from Jackson and his team at Spirit Essences!